The Art of Receiving

Listen to guest speaker, John Jenks. 

God is a giver of gifts, and we have a role in receiving. “As God gives and I receive, life flows.” I need to connect with God. There is a God who loves us and wants to connect with us. The best gift God has given us is Himself. God continues to give other gifts to His children. We all have a desire for Love, Joy, Peace & Justice because we are created in God’s image. We need to be humble & teachable. Give up your need to be right. Learn to live in grace. “Grace protects us from pride and frees us from guilt” Be ready to trust. Be ready to trust even when we take a risk. God may call us to an adventure, and that involves risk. Cultivate the art of receiving in your life. Take a specific step with God’s direction. 

See James 1:17, Romans 8, John 3:16, Hebrews 12:15, Mark 10:15, John 20:30-31, Acts 5:20, John 10:10, Genesis 2:24, & Romans 8.