Our Beliefs
God created everything, has existed forever, and is present in an eternal relationship between Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Bible – is the inspired Word of God, completely trustworthy, and is the ultimate authority for our lives. In the Covenant Church, we say, ‘The Bible is the only perfect rule for faith, doctrine and conduct.’
Jesus Christ is fully God and fully human. Jesus was sent to earth as the Son of God and lived a perfect example of life without sin. Because Jesus was resurrected to new life – he defeated the power of sin, death and the devil. This is why we can call him Lord and Savior.
People – All people have value and dignity because humanity is created in the image of God. God designed us for relationship with Him and others, but our sin has severely damaged those relationships. The consequences of our sin are too big to overcome on our own. We need help – we need a Savior.
Sin – Anything that falls short of God’s best intentions for humanity. Sin breaks the relationship that God desires to have with each person.
Forgiveness – Jesus took on the consequences of our sin and died on a cross for the sins of the world. Because of this, he can forgive you and become the Lord of your life. When we acknowledge our sin, repent and believe that Jesus can forgive and save us, we experience God’s forgiveness and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Holy Spirit – After Jesus rose from the dead and returned to heaven – the Holy Spirit of God was sent as a gift of God’s presence to all who believe in Jesus. The Holy Spirit gives us direction, power and keeps our whole life pointed toward God. This gift from God will transform your entire life – heart, mind, body, soul and spirit.
The Church is a community of believers called to live faithfully for God and His purposes.
Jesus’ Return – Jesus will come back to earth – making all things right and will judge all of us with justice and mercy.
Unity – we are one part of a much bigger picture called the Church. By majoring on the majors and minoring on minors, we seek to be united with every other church that follows Jesus faithfully.