Falling in Love

Sermon Series: “Sacred Romance” – 2 of 8

September 14, 2008

Pastor John Fanous

1:9I liken you, my darling, to a mare harnessed to one of the chariots of Pharaoh.

1:10Your cheeks are beautiful with earrings, your neck with strings of jewels.

1:11We will make you earrings of gold, studded with silver.

Gentlemen:  ______________ your wives, even after marriage.

1:12While the king was at his table, my perfume spread its fragrance.

1:13My lover is to me a sachet of myrrh resting between my breasts.

1:14My lover is to me a cluster of henna blossoms from the vineyards of En Gedi.

Gentlemen: When it comes to the relationship you have with the woman in your life, are you like _____________________?

1:15How beautiful you are, my darling! Oh, how beautiful! Your eyes are doves.

1:16How handsome you are, my lover! Oh, how charming! And our bed is verdant.

1:17The beams of our house are cedars; our rafters are firs.

Gentlemen: You have an obligation to participate in the ____________ of your ___________________.

2:1I am a rose of Sharon, a lily of the valleys.

2:2Like a lily among thorns is my darling among the maidens.

His Bride’s Response:

2:3Like an apple tree among the trees of the forest is my lover among the young men. I delight to sit in his shade,

Gentlemen: Are you _______________ for the woman in your life?

and his fruit is sweet to my taste.

To the couple: There is nothing __________ about a husband and wife being together.

2:4He has taken me to the banquet hall, and his banner over me is love.

Gentlemen: Is the banner you hold in public for her one of __________?

2:5Strengthen me with raisins, refresh me with apples, for I am faint with love.

Ladies: Gentlemen would love to ________________ a wife like this.

Gentlemen: Come into the bedroom with an attitude of ____________, not dominance.

2:6His left arm is under my head, and his right arm embraces me.

Ladies: Every husband would love to know what it is you ____________.

2:7Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you by the gazelles and by the does of the field: Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires.

If you’re not married, it’s not the ________________ for this type of intimacy.