Trunk or Treat


What is Trunk or Treat? 
Trunk or Treat is a fun, safe, family environment where Trunk or Treaters spend the evening going from trunk to trunk, collecting candy from volunteers who have decorated their vehicles to serve as a backdrop for this spooktacular event!

When and where?
Wednesday, October 31st from 6-8pm at John Buckley Square in Old Town Pittsburg

What will be there?
-Members and friends of Edgewater Covenant Church will be decorating their cars and handing out candy
-Carnival games with PRIZES!
-Face Painting
-Live music featuring Andy Z! Check out his website here.

What does it cost to participate?
Nothing, it’s FREE!

Who is invited?

Should I dress up in a costume?

If you have any questions, call the church at 925.238.8405 or email our Trunk or Treat coordinator Cindy Brumfield at

See you there!